Grocery Certificate Team - Reconciliation

Title:    Grocery Certificate Team - Reconciliation

Purpose: Weekly reconciliation of gift cards.

Responsible to: Grocery Team Lead & St. Luke’s Director of Finance

Description of Duties: Weekly reconciliation of gift cards in a job share with one other member. We alternate months.
Early in the week, go into St. Luke’s and reconcile the gift cards. Start with the card balance from the previous week; subtract Sunday’s sales and weekly sales from the office; the balance in the card value should equal the cards on hand.
If additional gift cards are needed an order is placed by phone; a check request is given to the Director of Finance; the check is picked up on Thursday and the cards purchased and returned to St. Luke’s by Sunday morning (for services).

Time Requirements: 45 minutes one day a week plus pickup and delivery of the cards when needed.

Term: 2yrs or as long as you are enjoying the position.

Training and Resources: Training to be done by either the person leaving or the person you are job sharing with.

Skills and gifts: Administration skills and you enjoy handling numbers.

Benefits to one serving in this role: Being the detailed part of a larger team serving the community
of  St. Luke’s.

Updated by: Paula Severseike 10/10